Defensive Driving Course
Court Ordered Traffic Ticket Course
Defensive Driving Course
- Built by Science, Fueled by Fun - Meets all state requirements for an insurance discount—the easiest way to save more on your auto policy.
- This course is designed to be completed at your own pace. There are videos and interesting information to read, as well as some fun interactivities. The program length varies by course, however, you can complete it all in one sitting or a little at a time at your convenience.
- Our online-only Aware Driver course is available 24/7 from the comfort of your own home. You can complete it at your own pace and there's no need to sit through an in-class lecture. Also, you can complete it from any internet-enabled device!
- Proof of course completion will be available at the end of the course after you've completed all of the chapters and the final quiz.
Court Ordered Traffic Ticket Course
- Built by Science, Fueled by Fun. - Easiest way to deal with your traffic ticket. - - Select this program if you were referred by a local court/DA or other ticketing agency.
- This course is designed to be completed at your own pace. There are videos and interesting information to read, as well as some fun interactivities. The program length varies by course, however, you can complete it all in one sitting or a little at a time at your convenience.
- Our courses were proven to reduce collisions.
- We cover topics that are especially useful for both new and experienced drivers, such as: traffic laws; collision factors; risk management and decision making; distracted driving; signs, signals and road markings; right-of-way; impaired and drunk driving; speeding; driving in winter weather and night driving. By the end of the course, you should be familiar with traffic laws and other concepts that will reinforce good driving habits to become a safe, aware driver.
- Proof of course completion will be available at the end of the course after you've completed all of the chapters and the final quiz.
Defensive Driving Course - $30
Court Ordered Traffic Ticket Course - $60